10 Crucial Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon Before Going Under the Knife

Deciding to undergo plastic surgery is a major decision and should not be taken lightly. It’s important to feel comfortable with your plastic surgeon and to have all your questions answered before scheduling your appointment. However, with so many plastic surgeons out there, it can be overwhelming to know where to start.

To help guide your decision, we have put together a list of 10 crucial questions to ask your plastic surgeon before going under the knife. Whether you’re considering a facelift, breast augmentation, or any other surgical procedure, these questions will give you the information you need to make an informed decision.

Before scheduling your surgery, make sure to ask your plastic surgeon these important questions to ensure a safe and successful outcome. After all, there’s nothing more important than your health and well-being. Let’s dive in!

1. What is your experience with this procedure?

One of the most important questions you need to ask your plastic surgeon is about their experience with the particular procedure you are interested in. You need to feel confident that your surgeon has performed this procedure numerous times before and has a proven track record of successful outcomes.

Ask your surgeon how many times they have performed the procedure, and whether they are specially trained or certified in this area. It's also a good idea to ask to see before and after photos to get an idea of the results you can expect.

Don't be afraid to ask detailed questions about the procedure. Your surgeon should be able to explain the surgical process, as well as the risks and potential complications involved in the surgery.

Overall, you want to make sure that you are in skilled and experienced hands when it comes to undergoing plastic surgery. By asking these important questions, you can feel confident that you are making an informed decision about your health and appearance.

1. What are your qualifications and experience?

One of the most important questions to ask your plastic surgeon is about their qualifications and experience. You want to make sure you are choosing a surgeon who has the proper training, education, and experience to perform your desired procedure safely and effectively.

Start by asking about their board certification. Are they certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery? This certification indicates that they have completed extensive training in plastic surgery and have passed rigorous exams to prove their skills and knowledge.

You should also ask about their experience performing the procedure you are interested in. How many times have they performed the procedure? What are their success rates? Do they have before and after photos of previous patients?

It's also important to ask about their hospital privileges. Do they have admitting privileges at a local hospital in case of complications? This is a sign that they are respected by their peers and have a good standing in the medical community.

Finally, ask about any additional training or specializations they have. For example, if you are interested in a breast augmentation, you may want to choose a surgeon who has specialized training in breast surgery.

Overall, choosing a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon is key to achieving your desired results and minimizing the risk of complications. Don't be afraid to ask tough questions and do your research before making a decision.

What are the potential risks and complications of the surgery?

Before deciding to undergo plastic surgery, it is essential to understand and weigh the risks involved. Despite the surgery's success rate, complications and side effects are still possible. Therefore, it is vital to ask your plastic surgeon about the potential risks and complications associated with the procedure.

The risks and complications depend on the type of plastic surgery you are undergoing. For instance, breast augmentation procedures carry the risk of implant rupture or infection, while a facelift surgery can result in temporary or permanent facial nerve damage.

In addition, some potential complications of plastic surgery include excessive bleeding, anesthesia-related complications, hematoma (swelling caused by accumulated blood), blood clots, and complications with wound healing. It is crucial to discuss these with your surgeon beforehand and take all the necessary measures to reduce the risks before and after the surgery.

Furthermore, some patients may experience unexpected results, which can be psychologically and emotionally distressing. For example, breast implants might not look as natural as you might expect or lead to a larger cup size than you want.

It is vital to have a comprehensive discussion with your surgeon before the surgery, to ensure you are aware of all the potential risks and benefits of the procedure. This way, you can confidently make an informed decision about undergoing plastic surgery, knowing your goals, expectations, and potential risks and complications.

What type of anesthesia will be used, and who will administer it?

One of the most important aspects of any surgical procedure is the type of anesthesia that will be used. Anesthesia ensures that you're comfortable and pain-free during the operation, but it also comes with risks and potential complications. Understanding the type of anesthesia your plastic surgeon plans to use and who will administer it is crucial to making an informed decision about your surgery.

There are several types of anesthesia used in plastic surgery, including:

  • Local anesthesia - injected directly into the area being treated and numbs only that specific area.
  • Regional anesthesia - injected to numb a large area of the body, such as an arm or leg.
  • General anesthesia - puts you to sleep for the duration of the surgery and requires a breathing tube.

The anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist will be trained and licensed to administer the anesthesia. It's essential to ask about their credentials and experience as well.

Some important questions to ask your plastic surgeon about anesthesia include:

  • What type of anesthesia will be used?
  • Who will be administering the anesthesia, and what are their qualifications?
  • What should you expect during recovery from anesthesia?
  • What are the risks and potential side effects of anesthesia?

It's essential to have a clear understanding of the anesthesia process before your surgery to feel confident and comfortable going under the knife. A reputable plastic surgeon will be more than happy to answer your questions and ensure that you're fully informed before the procedure.

Can I see before-and-after photos of your previous patients?

One of the most important steps in the process of choosing a plastic surgeon is to ask to see their before-and-after photos. These photos give you an idea of the surgeon's skill level and what kind of results you can expect from their procedures. You want to make sure that the surgeon you choose has experience with the specific procedure you want and that their results meet your expectations.

When reviewing before-and-after photos, look for patients with similar features to yours. For example, if you are considering a breast augmentation, you want to see before-and-after photos of patients with a similar body type and breast size to yours. This will give you a better idea of what your results may look like.

It's also important to ask the surgeon if the photos are their own work and if they have been retouched in any way. You want to see unaltered photos so you can get a realistic idea of the surgeon's skills.

Don't be afraid to ask questions and request additional photos if needed. Seeing before-and-after photos can give you the peace of mind to confidently move forward with your chosen surgeon.

What is the recovery process like, and how long will it take?

The recovery process after plastic surgery is an essential consideration for anyone considering going under the knife. It is crucial to give your body the time it needs to heal properly to avoid complications and achieve the desired results. Here are five essential questions to ask your plastic surgeon about the recovery process:

1. What should I expect during the first few days after surgery?

Your plastic surgeon will provide instructions on post-operative care, including pain management, wound care, and when to resume regular activities. It would help if you had a clear idea of what to expect during the recovery process, including how much discomfort to anticipate and how quickly you can resume your daily routine.

2. What kind of support will I need during my recovery?

Depending on the kind of procedure, you may require assistance from a family member or friend to help you with daily activities, such as bathing, dressing, and cooking. Speak with your surgeon to know the extent of the help you might need during your recovery process and plan accordingly.

3. How long will the swelling and bruising last?

Swelling and bruising are typical after plastic surgery and can last anywhere from a few days to several weeks. It's essential to understand the extent of bruising and swelling expected and to be prepared for the duration.

4. When can I return to work and other regular activities?

Depending on the type of surgery, recovery time may vary. You will need to know when to return to work and resume regular activities such as exercise, lifting, or driving. Speak to your surgeon to ensure you have a clear understanding of the timeline and any limitations on activities.

5. What are the risks associated with the recovery process?

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with the recovery process. It's important to understand these risks to ensure you have a successful recovery. These risks may include infections, scarring, or delayed healing times. Your surgeon should provide you with detailed information on any possible complications and how to reduce them.


Recovery from plastic surgery is just as important as the procedure itself. It's essential to understand the healing process and follow your surgeon's instructions to ensure a successful outcome. By asking these questions, you can prepare yourself both physically and mentally for the recovery process and emerge from your plastic surgery looking and feeling your best!


When you decide to go under the knife and enhance your appearance through plastic surgery, there are a lot of important factors to consider. By asking your plastic surgeon these crucial questions, you can help ensure that you're in good hands and that your procedure will be successful.

At the end of the day, choosing to undergo plastic surgery is a personal decision, but you should feel confident in your surgeon and their abilities. By asking the right questions and doing your research, you can take the right steps to help ensure that your plastic surgery experience is a positive one.

Remember to take your time, do your research and only choose a plastic surgeon who makes you feel comfortable and confident. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Question

Insurance coverage for medical procedures is determined by various factors including eligibility criteria, policy terms and conditions, and state regulations.

Generally, insurance companies cover medically necessary treatments or procedures that are meant to treat a specific health condition or injury.

Eligibility criteria vary between insurance providers and policies, but typically require the procedure to be deemed medically necessary by a physician.

Cosmetic surgeries, such as plastic surgery performed solely for aesthetic purposes, are generally not covered by insurance policies as they are considered elective procedures.

However, in some cases where the surgery is required for reconstructive purposes due to an injury or congenital deformity, insurance coverage may be provided.

It's important to consult with your insurance provider about their specific policy regarding coverage for plastic surgery or other elective cosmetic procedures.

The most common misconceptions about any medical procedure relate to the perceived risks involved and the benefits received. In general, people tend to have a skewed perception of both, often overestimating the former while underestimating the latter.

These misconceptions are especially prevalent when it comes to plastic surgery. People who are considering cosmetic procedures may worry about potential complications such as scarring or infection, yet fail to fully appreciate the dramatic improvements in their physical appearance that can be achieved through these surgeries.

Conversely, some individuals may view plastic surgery as a quick fix for all of their aesthetic issues without fully understanding the potential risks involved.

It is important for patients considering plastic surgery to have a realistic understanding of both the benefits and risks associated with their chosen procedure(s) so they can make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing.

The long term maintenance of any medical intervention is dependent on various factors such as individual health, lifestyle choices, and environmental factors.

The impact of aging also plays a significant role in determining the duration of the effects of any procedure.

It is crucial to note that the longevity of outcomes varies from one person to another and from one technique to another.

For instance, non-surgical procedures may require more frequent touch-ups compared to surgical interventions due to their less invasive nature.

Additionally, some surgical procedures such as facelifts may provide longer-lasting results since they address underlying tissue changes associated with aging.

Overall, it is essential to discuss realistic expectations with your surgeon during consultation and adhere to post-operative care guidelines for optimal results.

After undergoing a medical procedure, patients are typically advised to take care of themselves during the postoperative phase. Postoperative care involves monitoring the patient's condition closely, managing pain, and preventing complications from arising.

Patients are advised to follow their doctor's instructions regarding wound care and medication management. Pain management strategies may include the use of prescription medications or over-the-counter pain relievers.

Additionally, it is important for patients to rest and avoid strenuous activities that could hinder their recovery process. The duration of postoperative care varies depending on the type of surgery performed and can range from a few days to several weeks.

Ultimately, following proper postoperative care instructions can help alleviate discomfort and ensure a smooth recovery process for the patient.

Injectable fillers and laser treatments are non-surgical alternatives that can achieve similar results to plastic surgery procedures. Injectable fillers, such as hyaluronic acid and collagen, are injected into the skin to add volume, smooth out wrinkles, and improve overall facial contours.

They can also be used for lip augmentation or to reduce the appearance of scars.

Laser treatments use focused light energy to stimulate collagen production and resurface the skin. This can improve skin texture, reduce wrinkles, and minimize pigmentation issues. These non-invasive options typically have shorter recovery times than surgical procedures and may be more affordable for some patients. However, they do not provide permanent results like surgery does and may require ongoing maintenance treatments to maintain their effects.